Monthly Sightings

The poor weather this month has really impacted sightings on the reserve this month. Being closed for a few days didn’t help but the poor birds spent a lot of the month hunkered down to stay safe from the horrendous winds we have had!

However, we have had the following seen on the reserve in February and things are only going to get busier with spring well and truly on its way!!

The red-headed smew stayed around for a few days early Feb but hasn’t been seen in a while and has most likely moved on.


Female Smew by Ben Hall

A couple of the usual pintail and goldeneye are still being spotted across the lakes. It won’t be long until they leave on migration.


Pintail pair by Ben Hall


Goldeneye by Ben Hall

Green woodpeckers are suddenly being seen again across the reserve, possibly making the most of the softer grass areas in the discovery area and path between Scott lookout and Dengemarsh hide.


Green woodpecker by Graham Parry

Some visitors spotted the elusive merlin in mid Feb and a peregrine falcon has been spotted hunting across the reserve. And as always marsh harriers are present across the whole reserve in fantastic numbers. In fact, as I write this one has just flown over Burrowes Pit disturbing everything in its path!


Peregrine bathing by Graham Parry

The star bird or the month must be the Dartford warbler. Spotted on the weekend just gone, this Amber listed bird is a great addition to our February list. Due to the sensitive nature of this bird however, we please ask that visitors/volunteers refrain from promoting/giving exact locations of this bird, especially when/if they breed on the reserve this year.


Dartford warbler by Graham Parry

Other species seen this month are:

  • Chiffchaff
  • Brent goose
  • Med gull
  • Bittern
  • Curlew
  • Whooper swan

It won’t be long until the spring migrants start to turn up on the reserve… I imagine this section is only going to get longer and longer!

If any of you take photos when visiting the reserve and would like to donate your images to us for the purposes of social media, blog posts and these updates please do send them over! We are always after fresh content – I know I will be bringing my camera to work more and more in the coming months! Can’t bear to miss an amazing photo opportunity!