The rain has been welcomed to the reserve this week (although typically landing on days that we are running special events!) and we are slowly starting to creep into early - dare I say it? - Autumn migration. Many wading birds will pass through Dungeness back to their winter pastures and we've seen a few stop here to feed. 

Some wader species we have had on the reserve recently include, but are not limited to; wood and green sandpiper which have been seen both on Burrowes Pit and at the ARC, avocet, spotted redshank, turnstone, ruff and black-tailed godwit. 

Wood sandpiper - Graham Parry

When watching black-tailed godwits on the reserve please do look out for coloured leg rings. If you can see a lime coloured ring with the letter 'E' on any of the birds, it will be part of Project Godwit, which aims to secure the future of black-tailed godwits in the UK. They are checking the distribution of this years fledglings from RSPB Nene Washes and WWT Welney. Please help them out by submitting your sightings to them. There are posters in the hides on the reserve. For more information visit:

Black-tailed godwit (adult in summer plumage) - Graham Parry

Other wildlife highlights this week include a black-necked grebe making an appearance at ARC on Wednesday, 7 great white egrets spotted at Denge Marsh today, black terns on Burrowes Pit and a grass snake hunting marsh frogs in the dipping pond!

Grass snake - Dave Clarke