Gilleards have been on site last week replacing the roof and foundations to Dengemarsh Hide and the roofs of Christmas Dell and the Viewing Screen with a new hardwearing roof. This will help to maintain these hides into the future. More work will be needed on the hide in the coming months and years, but we now have a good idea of what we need to do and will keep you all informed of what is happening.

  Inside of Dengemarsh Hide with no roof

  Dengemarsh Hide New Roof

This month the team will be focussing on clearing willow and bramble scrub in the Badgers area of the Hookers reedbed. This was initially cut about 8-9 years ago, but the scrub has made a strong return, so we will be knocking it back further. This clearance will aid reed recovery and reduce the compartmentalisation of the reedbeds, creating more edge and making it a lot more appealing to our reedbed species. We will also continue with the work at ARC South clearing willow, as well as hoping to relaunch the ARC seabird raft, anchoring it as close to the front of the Viewing Screen as we can whilst ensure it floats all year. When the boat has finished its tours of our largest lakes, we will be looking to recover the southernmost seabird raft from in front of the Visitor Centre to resolve the issue of its list which is causing us concern.