An update on the weekend at Dove Stone.  Exciting news of 60+ Waxwings,  roosting in one of the plantations past Chew Brook. It's been an influx year for Waxwings and there's been quite a few reports of them in the local area ( Uppermill,  Greenfield, Springhead ) but these are the first sightings this year from Dove Stone.  In the next few weeks it's likely that these birds will be returning to their Scandinavian summer breeding grounds. Waxwings are a new addition to the Dove Stone 2013 bird list bringing the total up to 40

Elsewhere in Dove Stone's woods we have recent sightings of both Song Thrush and Mistle Thrush.  Song Thrush is another record for 2013 at Dove Stone,  taking us up to 41.  Basic id.tip for telling Song Thrush and Mistle Thrush apart is that Song Thrush have arrow shaped markings on the chest whereas Mistle tend to have more rounded spots. Alos there's quite a size difference too with Mistle Thrush being the larger of the two.

Elsewhere around Dove Stone we have sightings of a male Bullfinch in the trees that line the entrance road to the main car park and Moorhen in the fields alongside Banks Lane.  So Moorhen isn't strictly speaking within our reserve boundaries but I'm including on our list anyway,  now standing at 42.  Also new for the list is Buzzard (43), which we don't see many of at Dove Stone so that's good. Carrion Crow seems to have not been included on the reserve's list until now - standing at 44.


Up at Binn Green the feeders continue to provide a real spectacle with large numbers of Siskins as well as Goldfinch and Greenfinch.  Also good views of Treecreeper around Binn Green,  sometimes being seen on the moss covered boulders around the car park.  Good numbers of Coal, Blue and Great Tit also.  Over at the main car park regular sightings of Nuthatch on the feeders.

No further sign of the Pochards that were seen recently on Dove Stone reservoir.  Worth keeping an eye out for. Round at Chew Brook really great views of two DippersPeregrine has also been seen at the weekend,  as have Raven.

Coming up this Sunday we have a wildlife pond workshop at Binn Green, drop-in between 11am and 3pm. The small pond we have already at Binn Green is really well used by Siskins and other birds using the feeders there.  If you want to find out what's involved in making a wildlife pond why not come along ? We'll be taking you through the steps of what's involved through adding a second pond for birds and frogs etc just by our woodpecker sculpture. More soon...