A quick update with some recent sightings at Dove Stone.  This morning in the field above Dove Stone reservoir 'plughole' ( it's actually a bell jar overflow but plughole's a much better name ! ) good views of a Kestrel hunting. 

In the trees bordering this field there were also two Jays. Further along this path,  sightings of Goldcrest and Wren. Moving up to Binn Green, on the feeders there are plenty of Coal and Blue tits to be seen as well as Goldfinch,  Greenfinch and Lesser Redpoll. Jays and Great Spotted Woodpeckers also seen recently around Binn Green too. Up over Alderman's Brow there was a Raven this morning and a couple of days ago a flock of Redwing were seen on the hillside here.  And round at Ashway Gap there's been recent sightings of one of the Peregrines.  Up on the bog there's Red Grouse to be seen and also a recent sighting of Snipe.  Also recent reports of Short Eared Owl and Ring Ouzel.

This is the time of year for fungi. And with records of over 100 species Dove Stone is a bit of a hotspot for fungi.  Recent highlights for me include Scurfy Deceiver (Laccaria proxima),  Shaggy Inkcap (Coprinus comatus), Earthy Waxcap (Hygrocybe fornicata), White Saddle (Helvella crispa) and Fairy Inkcap (Coprinellus disseminatus) to name just a few. Thanks go to Jess and to Ken for the photos and fungi updates. 


If you're interested in fungi and want to discover more of what fungi there are at Dove Stone we're having another Fungi Foray on Saturday October 20th,  meeting at 10am at the main car park.

Also coming up this month it's the return of the Dusk to Dark walk.  Come along for an alternative look at Dove Stone and some scary stories on the run up to all-hallows night on Sunday 28th,  meeting at 4pm at the main car park.   More soon...