On Sunday we had our first record for this year of Common Redstart, that's a new one for the 2013 Dove Stone Birdlist, which brings our species total up to 63 for this year. There were also some very good views of the Peregrines at the weekend.

No signs of Redstart this morning but I did see a Ring Ouzel. Towards the moor tops or over the higher areas of Dove Stone this morning there's been Skylark, Wheatear, Raven and Red Grouse. Around the main trail and the woods there's been Lesser Redpoll, Mistle Thrush, Grey Heron, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Dunnock, Wren, Meadow Pipit and Willow Warbler as well as of course Blue, Great and Coal Tit. More soon with a full update on what's happening with the Peregrines and other recent sightings, including the next addition to the reserve birdlist. Swift perhaps...?


Dove Stone 2013 Birdlist.pdf