An update on what's happening with the Peregrines at Dove Stone this year. Over the last few months we've had some really great views of both birds and we've watched them through their courtship displays to mating to what looked like sitting on eggs. Unfortunately the Peregrines haven't had any chicks this year. Elsewhere around the country it's also been an unpredictable year for Peregrines - particularly the Nottingham Peregrines - raising young particularly early and then experiencing a long period of extremely wet weather and eventually three of the chicks dying.
So what's happened with Dove Stone's Peregrines ? We think that one of the birds is possibly only a second year bird and therefore still not fertile. The birds will go through mating, laying and incubating although the eggs will ultimately fail. The good news is that the Peregrines can still be seen regularly from our Peregrine viewing area at Ashway Gap. We're hoping that next year will be a successful year for the Peregrines.