While many of the moorland birds, such as dunlin, golden plover and curlews have now left the hills, there is still plenty of diversity to be found around Dove Stone at the moment - and there are a number of new species for the site being discovered.  Before we leave the birds, as we collate the breeding bird figures it is good to see that 43 pairs of dunlin were recorded out on the bog.  This is up from 39 pairs last year.  They are a difficult species to survey, and small changes are as likely to be within the parameters of chance, but still, positive to see, and an indicator of further habitat improvement.  This is especially true of areas where heather bales have been dug in by the volunteer team that have been so effective in keeping the bog wetter.  Back now to the wider wildlife update.....  

Miriam reported on a fine colony of mining bees along the main trial earlier in the week, and Ken, local naturalist,  following up the report, found a rarer bee, Epeolus cruciger, a klepto-parasitic species (ie, like the skuas with kittiwakes, it nicks the mining bees hard-earned food). Meanwhile, down at Ashway Gap, below the picnic area, a yellow-bellied bee caught the eye as something different - it turned out to be a leaf-cutter bee, with the excellent name Megachile centuncularis

Further afield on the Dove Stone site local volunteer Adrian found a real gem - Dark Green Fritillary - it was patrolling flower-rich rush pasture, rich in the caterpillar foodplant marsh violet - we hope this is a breeding colonization - there were further sighting over a week or so

As is often the case with wildlife, when you look for one thing, you find something else too - in this case a new healthy patch of sundew, and a longhorn beetle new to the area, Agapanthia villosovirdescens - apparently this species of longhorn beetle is spreading north in the Peak District - it lays its eggs in thistle stem. 

Finally, we ran a moth trap at Binn Green last night with James along as moth epxert, and nice to see two of John's regular walk attendees joining us, Alison and Brian. Although the weather wasn't quite as good as the forecast, and slight drizzle turned to rain, it didn't put off the Antler Moths - at least 40 were counted, but I am sure there were many more - everywhere you looked... an Antler Moth.  Among other species were two Orange Swifts, and as we packed up, James found a Beautiful Yellow Underwing - both new species for us. 

 A Beautiful Yellow Underwing pictured,  a very dark individual, and tiny compared to its commoner Large Yellow Underwing cousins, of which there were a good few.


So, as the humid weather continues, worth watching out for moths, bees and other insect life.  Reports for Dove Stone sightings gratefully received.  Next thing to watch out for is a late summer butterfly boom...  





With thanks to many local volunteers