Lots of activity at the Binn Green feeders with a Nuthatch, Tree Creeper, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Goldfinches, lots of Chaffinches, Blue, Great & Coal Tits, and a lone Brambling and Siskin. This week has seen the return of Greenfinches too.

On Sunday there was plenty of action to be viewed from our scopes at Ashway Gap. Visitors had the chance of close up views of hunting Kestrels, a Buzzard, a Sparrowhawk, and Ravens circling round the rocks.

It was all drama for our resident pair of Peregrines, which were perched on the quarry rocks for a while but were then seen flying above the quarry apparently chasing off a 3rd Peregrine, possibly one of the juvenile females from this year's brood?

We also got amazing views of a white Mountain Hare high up on the hillside above Ashway Gap. This was a large hare which could be seen with the naked eye (it almost looked like a lamb!), so the view through the scope was really clear!

Weather permitting we'll be at Ashway Gap with the scopes again this coming Sunday.

If anyone sees more than one Brambling or Siskin at a time please let us know! No further sightings of the Rough Legged Buzzard this week.




Miriam Biran

Visitor Experience Manager, Dove Stone