We just wanted to update people about the fire at Dove Stone last night – it’s hard to write enough detail on Twitter!


The fire started yesterday evening above Chew Brook.  We don’t have any details about how it started but we are surmising it was either accidental (by someone having a BBQ) or it was arson.


It affected in the region of 20-30 hectares, roughly the same area that was burnt two springs ago – primarily grassland, and some bracken.


The fire mostly burnt out overnight – fire-fighters put out the remaining flames this morning, and the RSPB Site Manager and Wardens checked the fire site for any hotspots. United Utilities and the National Park Ranger were also out at the site at 5.45 this morning.   


Luckily the fire didn’t reach the blanket bog, nor burn into areas of woodland or new woodland planting.  Most birds aren’t nesting yet so luckily not too damaging all round.  


We have two Assistant Wardens up above the fire site today, who will keep an eye out for re-alighting  - unlikely as the ground is still pretty damp.


People have been really supportive on our social media channels and your words of support and offers of help have been much appreciated. As far as helping goes there are several things you can do.


To help with fire prevention (which is what we ideally want):


  • Please keep your eyes open for any signs of fire and report anything you see to the fire service. The quicker they are able to respond the less damage will occur

  • Please spread the word about not having BBQs and fires at Dove Stone - there is a good reason why we ask folk not to!
  • Please take all litter home and spread the word about this


In general you can support the work being done at Dove Stone by:


  • Becoming a volunteer

  • Joining the RSPB (if you join at Dove Stone your donation goes directly towards the work at Dove Stone)


We will continue to work closely with the National Park and Fire Service, after every fire there is a review of lessons learnt which can help with future fire management.


We know that many fires are started deliberately and need to stress how potentially dangerous this can be. The risk isn’t just to wildlife and habitats, but to farms, livestock and in the worst case scenario human life.


Of course an additional benefit of the all the conservation work being carried out by our staff and amazing local volunteers is that by making the bog wetter, it makes it harder for a fire to spread.


A big thanks to the Fire Service and to all those who were involved in putting this fire out as well as to those who have shared information via social media. Manchester Fire Service have 2 Wildlife Volunteers up at Dove Stone today and tomorrow raising awareness of this issue, so a big thanks to them too!


Miriam Biran

Visitor Experience Manager, Dove Stone