A couple of photos from Binn Green showing yesterday's Treecreeper and a nice shot of a very handsome male Blackbird.  cheers to Ken for these photos - good detail of the Treecreeper's long hind claw, this being one of the diagnostic differences between the Eurasian Treecreeper and the Short-toed Treecreeper, found in parts of mainland Europe. 


The most abundant birds in today's sightings at Binn Green in the 30-minute experiment were Chaffinch,  Goldfinch and Siskin.  Other birds seen in this half hour were  Great Spotted Woodpecker, male and female Brambling,  Nuthatch,  Blackbird,  Robin, Woodpigeon, Greenfinch, Great Tit, Blue Tit and Coal Tit.  Still waiting on Wren, Goldcrest, Sparrowhawk and maybe Crossbill so I'd welcome any news of these birds seen at / from Binn Green.

Birds aside I read that an early Speckled Wood was seen during the week - admittedly down south but it will be interesting to see what our earlierst records are for butterflies.

That's it for today - more on Monday with sightings from the weekend....


30 minute birding at Binn Green.pdf