Latest sightings from Dove Stone.  On Saturday there was a Common Tern flying over Yeoman Hey ( one of the ide features for Common Tern is a black tip on the bill; though not particularly distinct in this photo ) from the direction of Greenfield Brook towards Dove Stone reservoir.  Great to see, it will have been just passing through.  Not quite a reserve first, this brings our Dove Stone 2013 Birdlist up to 55.On a general note there've been records of Sandwich Terns moving through the area also,  although none reported from Dove Stone.

Also one for the birdlist is Common Sandpiper (56),  seen this morning at the bottom end of Dove Stone res. I've had a couple of enquiries asking about the birdlist,  link attached below.  It won't be long now until we can add Swallow to the list.  Looking back at last year's blog, our first report of Swallows at Dove Stone was on April 12th and the earliest record for Common Sandpipers from last year was April 22nd. And there's still Willow Warbler, Common Redstart and Cuckoo to expect amongst other summer migrants.

Elsewhere around Dove Stone on the feeders at the main car park today there's been Lesser Redpoll and Nuthatch amongst the Blue Tits, Great Tits, Goldfinch and Greenfinch.  Up at Binn Green this morning on a quick visit around the feeding zone there were Wren, Jay, a male Great Spotted Woodpecker,  Mistle Thrush, 2 male Siskins, Greenfinch and plenty of Coal Tits and Chaffinches. Of course,  there'll also be regulars such as Treecreeper around.  Over the weekend we also had sightings of a Sparrowhawk flying through the feeding area and a Bullfinch in the Binn Green area. Other areas of Dove Stone,  sightings of Grey WagtailChiffchaff, Dunnock, lots of Meadow Pipits around and Curlew heard calling from around the area at the far end of Yeoman Hey / below the Isle of Skye road.

More soon with an update on the latest arrivals...

Dove Stone Reserve 2013 Birdlist.pdf