A quick Dove Stone update - it's been a while. So, recent sightings of Redwings and, more unusually for Dove Stone with only a previous few records, Redshank - the latter seen on the shore where Dove Stone res meets Chew Brook.


So, Redwings. Last weekend there were two flocks of around 50 flying over Binn Green and a second group over the far side of the Dove Stone embankment. These birds will be over wintering birds, likely from Scandanavia, perhaps north-east Europe or possibly northern Russia. Redwings do migrate at night so it's possible that there have been more flocks passing through. And it won't be long now until we see Fieldfare also.


Back to the sightings.  Brambling at Binn Green - another winter visitor and the first for this season.  Also up at Binn Green the usual suspects: Nuthatch, Coal Tits, Greenfinches, Goldfinches, Chaffinches, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Treecreeper, Wren, Siskin and Great Spotted Woodpecker. Worth mentioning that it won't be long before Siskin numbers start to increase too - and we'll be looking out for ringed birds - we'll be having a ringing demo coming up either at the end of November or beginning of December - watch this space. And if we re-capture any Siskins it will be interesting to see if any were birds previously ringed at Dove Stone.  Not sure to what extent Siskins show fidelity to over-wintering grounds - I'm sure there's a study on it out there...


Elsewhere around Dove Stone we've had sightings of Meadow Pipit, three Peregrines, including views of a Peregrine mobbing a Kestrel,  Ravens, which have been heard cronking, Pied Wagtails on Dove Stone res embankment wall, Jays over the fields next to the main car park, big groups of Jackdaws in the same fields, Grey Heron fishing on Dove Stone res, between 30 - 50 Black headed gulls over the main res and perched on the pontoon, Dipper on Chew Brook and Red Grouse up on the moor tops.  Last two sightings for this report are good ones. Three Ring Ousel in the Rowans next to Chew Brook and a Jack Snipe - another winter visitor, smaller than the resident Common Snipe,  on the moor tops. So, that's a new one for the Dove Stone Reserve 2013 Birdlist, which brings our total up to 70. Not bad. Next predicted bird for this year: Fieldfare.

Thanks to Mandy and John P. for the updates and more soon...

Dove Stone 2013 Birdlist.pdf