Bright and cold at Dove Stone today. A brief Binn Green update.  Today there's been a male and female Brambling, a Raven cronking over Alderman's Brow, Great Spotted Woodpecker,  Nuthatch, good numbers of Goldfinches, a few Siskin, Chaffinches, Greenfinches, Coal Tit, Blue TIt, Great TIt, Woodpigeon, Robin, Blackbird - male and female,  So, the 30-minute-birding list is still on 22.

Elsewhere around Dove Stone, recent sightings from the weekend include displaying Dipper and a flock of circa 100 Bramblings around Chew Piece. On Dove Stone res.this morning all quiet apart from 80+ Black Headed Gulls.

More soon...

30 minute birding at Binn Green.pdf