Today's 30-minutes at Binn Green.  Good numbers of Goldfinches on the feeders along with a few Siskin, Greenfinches and Coal, Great and Blue Tit, plenty of Chaffinches groundfeeding,  6 Blackbirds and a Dunnock. Also seen today which I haven't seen so far in these half-hours was a Mistle Thrush perched at the top of a Larch singing and a Jay repeatedly collecting peanuts before flying in the direction of Yeoman Hey. So with Jay and Mistle Thrush the 30-minute-birding list now stands at 21.

Elsewhere around Dove Stone this morning around the main trail generally there seems to be lots of Goldfinches around as well as the above mentioned birds at Binn Green.  On the peanut feeder at the main carpark there was a Nuthatch. On Dove Stone res. all quiet with a Grey Heron on the banks where Chew Brook runs into the res and 20+ Canada Goose in this same area.  On the sailing club raft there were circa 70 Black Headed Gulls.  Yesterday late afternoon there were circa 60 Bramblings seen around the sailing club boatyard, as reported on Manchester birding's forum  No sign of any Brambling this morning - perhaps they're roosting in the vicinity.

Down at Chew Brook there was a Kestrel sat in one of the mature beeches there and in Chew Piece there was a large flock of Woodpigeon - I didn't count them but I'd estimate there must have been easily 50+ birds. Only other bird to report - two Carrion Crows. More soon with an update on any Peregrine and Raven activity and other 'recent sightings'...

30 minute birding at Binn Green.pdf