A quick update on today's sightings from Binn Green.  On the feeders there's been Great Spotted Woodpecker, Chaffinches, a few Siskins, good numbers of Goldfinches plus Coal, Great and Blue Tits. Feeding around the ground there's been Pheasant, Woodpigeon, Robin,  Blackbird and Dunnock. Also seen today was a ringed Treecreeper in the feeding area.  The larches have also had quite a few Goldfinches and Siskins feeding from the cones.  No sign of Brambling today and there are still some resident species I'm expecting to see at Binn Green such as Wren, Goldcrest, Bullfinch and Sparrowhawk.

Elsewhere around Dove Stone reports of a Peregrine on Dove Stone rocks. A brief update on the way tomorrow and this Sunday is one of the core counts  for the Wetlands Bird Survey ( WeBS ) so a more comprehensive post on what's about on Monday...

30 minute birding at Binn Green.pdf