Continuing with sightings from 30 minute birding - the idea being to take time out - even if it is just half an hour - from a day to connect a bit more with our everyday surroundings and discover what's about.  Here's what I saw in 30 minutes spent at Binn Green watching the feeders yesterday afternoon:

Great Spotted Woodpecker (m), Treecreeper, Goldfinch, Greenfinch, 30+ Chaffinches, Blue Tits, Great Tits, Coal Tits, Blackbird, Siskins - male and females. So, that's 10 species yesterday. Might not seem much but that's okay. It's all about just getting in touch with what's on our doorsteps, although admittedly not everyone's got somewhere like Dove Stone on their doorstep, but the idea applies whether you're here on in the middle of Manchester.  Anyway, there were high winds at Binn Green yesterday and the birds were put up frequently. 

So, to date I have a record of 19 species recorded through ''30-minute-birding'' with  Treecreeper being the latest, bringing us up to 20. More soon...

30 minute birding at Binn Green.pdf