How many different birds can you see in just half an hour ? Let's find out in a new 'mini-series' on the blog: 30-minute birding. So, kicking it off this morning in half an hour spent watching the feeders at Binn Green ( and in no particular order ) I saw Nuthatch, Coal Tit, Great Tit, Blue Tit, Brambling ( m&f ), Robin, Blackbird, Siskin, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Chaffinch and a Pheasant. That's 12 birds. Some days there'd easily be quite a few more birds to add. Not that it's all about number crunching or listing of course ! It's more about just taking time during the day to stop and take a look at what's around - sometimes right on our doorsteps. More 30 minute birding / recent sightings from Binn Green coming up tomorrow...