After all the wet and windy weather this summer we have finally had a few hot days.  This has led to increased butterfly sightings and the Common Lizards have been sunning themselves.

Common Lizard                                                                        photo J. Hewitt

Star Sightings 

Only one Avocet remains, but the Little Egrets have been seen gathering on the around the pool in numbers.


Little Egrets                                                            Photo. J. Hewitt                                                                                                     photo  S. Ryde

Wader numbers have been good, with Ruff being spotted amongst our Black-tailed Godwits. Snipe are returning and a Little Ringed Plover seen on most days. Spotted Redshank occasionally with Common Sandpiper too.

Marsh Harriers and a Hobby have been active, and up to 3 Water Rails seen.  Other regular sightings have been 2 female Mandarin Duck, Kingfisher, Yellow Wagtail and a pair of Yellowhammer.


Ruff                                                                                                        Female Mandarin                                   Ohotos J. Hewitt

Away from Burton Mere Wetlands, on our other part of the reserve, 4 Spoonbills are being seen on Boathouse Flash, Parkgate.

Spoonbills                                                                           Photo  S. Ryde

More Wildlife.

The better weather has brought more Butterfly sightings with the stars being Essex Skipper, and Purple Hairstreak


Essex Skipper                                                                                  Purple Hairstreak                                      photo J. Hewitt

Other species photographed include


Comma                                                                 Gatekeeper                                                Green-veined White                                         Ringlet                          Photos   J. Hewitt

Wardens Wanderings

 The warden team have been working hard to keep the ever-encroaching vegetation off the paths & the viewing areas. Tuesday saw them tackle the Bridge screen view and Thursday the Bunker hide. Huge thanks to the practical #volunteers & staff.


Photos  RSPB

What’s new?

Our Garden has been closed since the winter due to the poor state of the path caused by the wet weather.  We are pleased to tell you we have now laid a new hard path, and the garden is again open to our visitors.


Photos S. Ryde

Our exciting new quiz trail all about the 'Mysteries of Migration' is now available to try out. Just £1.50 per quiz.

Suitable for all the family, grab a quiz trail sheet and a Burton Mere Wetlands pencil from the Visitor Centre and see if you can answer all the questions!

We have some new ranges on display in our mail-order shop. Great adult and child gift ideas, stylish new nestboxes plus 15% off all Christmas cards with our early bird offer.

Browse the entire catalogue and make your order next time you visit. Free home delivery (orders over £15) directly supporting your local RSPB reserve.




 Point of Ayr Summer Showcase. Tuesday 6 August from 11am

Come along for a friendly chat with members of the reserve team and our partners from the Our Dee Estuary project to find out how important this area is for some special wildlife.

We'll have an information stand by the main beach access from Talacre, and volunteers on the shingle beach spotting birds and showing you the vital work we do to protect the site and its sensitive wildlife.

August highlights include hundreds of Terns feeding in the mouth of the Dee Estuary before their long migration to Africa, along with a variety of wading birds migrating south after breeding season. High tide is around 1pm.

No booking required, free to attend, just drop in and stay as long as you like.


We also have another of our Wader Walks at Burton Mere Wetlands on 15 August, 9-11 am.

To book see our event page: RSPB Dee Estuary events