Recent Sightings

Autumn seems to have arrived suddenly, with a lot of wet and windy weather in the last two weeks. Whilst no rarities have turned up there has been plenty of activity on the reserve.

Star Sightings 

Our raptors have been busy with frequent sightings of Marsh Harrier, Peregrine, Sparrowhawk, Kestrel and still occasional views of Hobby and even Merlin out on the marsh. We hope it won’t be long before we also get more regular visits from Hen Harriers, and Short-eared Owl who spend their winters around our reserve out on the Dee Estuary. 

Migrant waders are about, despite the high water levels, with Ruff being the most prominent. Up to 40 plus Great White Egrets have gathered behind the scrape and over 650 Pink-footed geese coming now too. A family of Kingfisher's have also given good views to our visitors, especially from the Visitor Centre.


Great White Egret                                                                        J. Hewitt          Pink-footed Geese                                                                      S. Ryde           Kingfisher                                                                                  J. Hewitt

Away from BMW at Parkgate sightings have included 650 Pink-footed Geese, 23 Greenshank and 9 Spoonbills


Spoonbill                Ron Thomas

Wardens Work

With all the wet weather this year it has been a real challenge for the team to keep levels down, particularly in recent weeks. We aim for the levels to be lower at this time of year, to have muddy margins around the scrapes for the migrant waders to feed and rest. Unfortunately this weeks continues rain has been particularly bad and just compounded the issue. We have around 10 active sluices open to try drain water away, but levels have been stubbornly high with the consistent rain over the year.

Recently the warden team have been hedge-laying together with Wirral Countryside Group, despite the awful weather, they all did a brilliant job and the hedges are looking great. They will be back next week to finish off the sterling job they have done so far. 


The other project for the wardens at this time of year is a lot of vegetation clearance, with the aid of the tractor and our hard-working volunteers.  It is these teams that manage to keep the reserve looking as good as possible for our wildlife for all our visitors to enjoy.


What's on!


What a great turn out for our Heritage Open day on Thursday! We had around 40plus people turn up and all having a great time. Most new comers to our brilliant reserve and hoping to see them all again soo. Massive thank you to Howard from University of Chester, our Heritage volunteer Gina here at Burton Mere Wetlands and Emily from Our Dee Estuary Project.

The autumn/winter High Tide Bird Watches are starting up again with an event at Parkgate September 19, 10.30 – 2.30, Our Dee Estuary Project will be joining us there, no booking required for these events, just turn up and come join our friendly and knowledgeable team, who will be spotting wildlife and on-hand to chat about the fantastic work we have done over the years in managing this unique area of saltmarsh.

Our next “Wildlife Wander” is scheduled for Thursday 3 Oct, there are just 2 spots left so, booking essential for this one, simply click the link on the website for all events.

Then join us for another Binocular and Telescope Open Day on the weekend of 5 & 6 October, 10 - 3pm, at Burton Mere Wetlands. Don't forget you can shop our optics range on the day and take then away with you. All other retail therapy you may want, we do free home delivery on any sales over £15 and you are then supporting this reserve directly. 


The team have been working hard to you even more homemade goodies. Now with freshly made in house sandwiches, scones, sausage rolls, quiches and much more to enjoy on these autumnal feeling days. Pop in and come sample all th delights the team have to offer. 


Our Visitor Centre and Café will be closed on Wednesday 18 September for an all-staff meeting. It will reopen as normal on Thursday 19 September. Thank you for your understanding.

From all the staff and our amazing team of volunteers, thank you all for your continued support, we look forward to seeing you all on your next visit.