Hello there, it was the monthly WEX meeting last Saturday and their theme this month was pond dipping and both of our wonderful bloggers, Freddie and Evelyn, were there. 

Once again they have written beautifully and have equally beautiful sketches and also a few photos. It's amazing to think that they are only 9 years old. 

Do enjoy their work, we definitely do. :) 

From Freddie....

Brilliant writing and sketching there Freddie, thanks very much! My favourite bits are the lovely dragonfly sketch and that we now have a fish called 'Freddie Junior!'

Next from Evelyn...

Thank you Evelyn! Your pond dipping bowl diagram is just fabulous and I like the facts about the water spider! :) 

What a good job you both do for our WEX blog & everybody at Old Moor would like to say a big 'Thank You!' for doing this for us.

Please do leave them a comment if you too think that their blog is just great!