This week's View From The Shed is a little different. In this piece I'm not so much looking out of RSPB Old Moor's Welcome Shed as into it. I'm focussing on the volunteers who work there and at lots of other points all around the reserve. You'll easily recognise us, all dressed in blue with the little Avocet logo on our chests. We usually have a name badge too. Don't be afraid to have a chat with us; it's one of the reasons we're here.

I'm sometimes asked by people why I do it. Why do I give up my time to stand around talking to people about birds. Well mainly because I like to do it! I have a passion for the natural world and like to help others find that within themselves.

I certainly don't do it for the pay. By definition, this volunteer role is time given for free, unless you count the unlimited coffee. The hard cash is non-existent but the intangible benefits are immense. For me it's a case of paying something back for the decades of enjoyment I've had at the site, in its RSPB days and beforehand. Plus I'm at the reserve more often, which means that should any unusual birds turn up – like this week's LESSER YELLOWLEGS – then I've got a better chance of actually seeing them than if I'd been sat on my sofa watching Bargain Hunt.

For others their motivation is different. Maybe they just enjoy a hobby and need an excuse to practice it more frequently. Perhaps they're a people-person who just loves to be involved with others. Perhaps they have a need to be more active. Or for those starting out on the employment ladder it's an excellent way to gain experience and improve their CV. On the other hand, people of more mature years find that it can be great for self-esteem and social interaction, especially if you're no longer in a regular workplace. We all like to feel part of a team. Some volunteers learn new skills. Some take pleasure in passing their experience on to others. And everyone of us has more friends than we had before volunteering.

Most volunteers will tell you that their reason for turning up is a combination of some of the above. We give and we receive. Precisely what we give and receive differs from person to person, but usually we get back much more than we give, just not in monetary terms.

People sometimes ask if there's a role for them at Old Moor, if they could become a volunteer themselves. The answer to this one is a resounding YES! You don't have to be a front-facing people-person like the folks you see at the Welcome Shed. That's only one of the many volunteer roles available.

Next week is National Volunteers' Week. I've included a link to the official website so you can see what it entails. There are currently over 16 million people in the UK doing some kind of voluntary, unpaid work for a recognised organisation or charity such as the RSPB. Over 12,000 of those have chosen to work for the RSPB in some form or other. That's around 85% of the entire RSPB workforce. Me, I stand outside a shed in all weathers talking to people when they arrive at our reserve. Others are gardeners or do maintenance work. Still others volunteer in our shops and cafes. Some people even write online blogs!

The point is that whatever your skills and abilities, there's a voluntary position for you at your local RSPB, should you wish to give your enthusiasm and your time. And it needn't be much, just a few hours a month could provide a valuable service. Here's a link to what the organisation say about volunteering.

Think of all the jobs that need doing just at our Old Moor reserve. Most of them are essential but usually go unnoticed. Repairing fences, stocking the shelves in the shop, talking to a classroom full of children, serving up coffees and delicious bacon rolls, monitoring the number and variety of birds and other wildlife, updating social media... even welcoming guests to the reserve. Most of this work is done by volunteers who give their time willingly so that the place is good for nature and as good as possible for the thousands of visitors that come every year.

On the side of the Old Moor Welcome Shed is a notice board featuring some of the positions that we most need filling right now. Have a look at it and see if there's anything there that takes your fancy, but don't feel restricted to just those positions. If you have something to offer and think you might like to give volunteering a try, just talk to someone here. We'll point you in the right direction.

Volunteers’ Week is about celebrating and thanking those who give up their time to make a difference” and Sunday 5 June is officially 'Thank you day'. So next time you're at Old Moor or any of our other RSPB reserves – or anywhere else that you see a volunteer – give them a cheery “hello and thanks”. It's really appreciated.

See my weekly RSPB Old Moor blog at "View From the Shed". I usually wear a big hat.