I took a walk around Old Moor today to see if I could find the brambling.So .. having failed ...The garden feeders had great tits, blue tits, greenfinches and chaffinches .. but no brambling.The sacrifical crop area had linnets, reed buntings, chaffinches and a robin .. but no brambling.The Field Pool was well populated with little grebes, a great-crested grebe, gadwalls, mallards, teals, tufted ducks, coots, moorhens, wigeons, shovelers, Canada geese, redshanks, lapwings, black-headed gulls, a mute swan, stock doves and pheasants. A green woodpecker was 'yaffling' at the far side in the trees.Wath Ings had pochards, teals, wigeons, little grebes, coots, moorhens, lapwings, redshanks, ringed plovers, black-headed gulls, a mute swan, Canada geese, a grey heron, pied wagtails, sand martins, at least 2 swallows and a sparrowhawk.The Wader Scrape had mallards, teals, shovelers, tufted ducks, wigeons, gadwalls, goosanders, redshanks, ringed plovers, a little-ringed plover, lapwings, oystercatchers, Canada geese, greylag geese, an Egyptian goose, sand martins, swallows, pied wagtails, jackdaws, carrion crows and a grey heron.The Mere had tufted ducks, mallards, gadwalls, teals, goldeneyes, wigeons, coots, moorhens, black-headed gulls, a lesser black-backed gull, cormorants, Canada geese, lapwings, oystercatchers, pheasants , jackdaws, carrion crows and stock doves.A willow warbler was heard on Green Lane (the main path leading through the reserve.)Bolton Ings had 8 swallows, 5 sand martins, a kingfisher and a grey wagtail reported from the river beside the reserve.There were 4 chiffchaffs singing on Warbler Way.While I was walking through Old Moor there was a buzzard soaring over the Field Pool ... I'm sure it was carrying a brambling .. or was it just a trick of the light ......