Huge excitement here this week – not only did we have a visit from Dearne FM (going out over Easter), a big refurbishment of the shop and visitor centre got underway. It didn’t happen without a bit of noise and mess though, so really sorry if you were visiting and couldn’t get round the shop – but we promise it’s all worth it! The dust covers finally came off on Friday to reveal the revamped ``meet and greet’ and information area. This used to happen all round the shop counter, but we found folk signing up to join were getting muddled up with those asking about the latest sightings and others who just wanted to buy a packet of birdfood and be on their way! Now it couldn’t be easier with maps and all the latest info on the reserve for you to ponder at your leisure in one place, while the shoppers can browse the many RSPB goodies on offer, in peace. There’s also a special area for new members to sign up – so do think about it if you’re visiting – you can do it for as little as £3!What with this and the summer migrants starting to arrive, Old Moor is looking in great shape for a fantastic spring and summer season and we’re all looking forward to seeing you in your thousands! Apart from maybe on a Caribbean cruise - there’s no better place to be!