Evening Folks. Here's a summary of the birds seen today at Old Moor and Edderthorpe...
Before I forget, first a bit of news. It seems that the RSPB’s technical folks are about to redecorate this part of the website. Between the 12th and the 18th of November, our community pages are to receive a lick of paint - or ‘upgrade’ if you prefer.
What this means for us is that, from the 8th November, content on the blogs and forums will be temporarily frozen. We won’t be able to post anything new here while the furniture’s moved, the masking tape goes on and the sheets go down - stop me if I’m getting too technical.
All being well, between the 12th and the 18th, the new Community pages will be unveiled and the transformation to a bright, shiny new site will be completed.
For us here at Sightings Blog HQ, it will mean we’ll only be able to get the sightings out via our Twitter account (https://twitter.com/RSPB_OldMoor) and our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/RSPBOldMoorandBlacktoftSands/). Fret not, if something drops in to any of the reserves, we’ll let you know.
Little egret fishing as seen from Field Pool West
Back to those sightings and John Clarkson was at Edderthorpe today and provided the sightings from there including news of the golden plover and of large numbers of fieldfare and redwing. Thanks John.
John Seeviour shared the numbers from Bolton Ings here. Thanks as ever, John.
And sadly, that’s about it for this evening. Until next time.