Wigtown in Bloom was this year's Winner of the Scottish Natural Heritage Biodiversity Award 2012, sponsored by SNH and Beautiful Scotland (part of Keep Scotland Beautiful)  It is wonderful to get recognition for the work of the community, RSPB and D&G Council Ranger service in keeping Wigtown green and highlighting what Wigtown and Wigtown Bay has to offer the local community and visitors.  The local Primary school and Wigtown community have been involved in many activities to help wildlife in the area, from building nestboxes to making bug hotels; and Wigtown Primary school has achieved numerous Eco-schools Green Flags. The Wigtown In Bloom commitee were delighted to be awarded a Silver Gilt this year - the highest award given out in their catagory.  The 2 prizes come with vouchers for plants, wildflower seeds and other wildlife-friendly garden items like compost bins and wormeries etc.  So next year Wigtown will be bursting with even more life and colour!  Congratulations to all everyone involved.