My day was certainly brightened today, not just by the super sunshine but also by seeing both EP and DK at the nest over lunchtime.  At 1.30pm, EP landed on the microphone next to the nest.  He was just by himself it seemed and he re-arranged some twigs and grass before disappearing, only to return with a big new stick for the nest.  When he was satisfied with his handiwork he flew up to perch on the branches above the nest and have a very throughout preen.  At 2.15pm, EP flew off the perch but was quickly replaced by DK landing on the nest.  She didn't sit on the nest for long, instead choosing the same perch at EP, there she sat in the sun preening herself and enjoying the view.

It is so good to have confirmation that both birds are still in the area and also still interacting together.  Hopefully they will spend more time at the nest as the summer progresses.


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