After spending most of my career working in the south of England, I have returned a little closer to my roots. In February I started my new position at the Crook of Baldoon. This stunning reserve located on the western shores of Wigtown Bay, has a backdrop of the Galloway mountains. The early few months I was greeted with the sounds of the wintering Pinks and Barnacle, but these have fell silent as they have moved northeast/west for the summer.

  Pink-footed Geese

The noise of the geese has now been replaced by the song and displays of the birds than breed at the Crook. On the two lagoons Lapwing and Redshank have spent the early spring displaying, looking for mates and telling other suiters to stay away. These displays have reduced in intensity now as they settle on nests and start rearing their chicks.

However, the skies have not fallen silent, they have been filled with the song of Skylarks, Meadow Pipits, Reed Bunting, and a multitude of other birds brightening up the reserve on some of the grey days bringing their own ray of sun. if you are lucky and are there at the correct time of the day you may even hear the drumming of the Snipe, a sound once heard never forgotten.

  Rock Pipit

  Reed Bunting

If you visit the reserve the summer management of the grasslands and saltmarsh has begun. The cattle help maintain the sward at the correct height for both the birds and plants.

  Our friendly mowers at work

The Warden, RSPB Crook of Baldoon