This morning while on early morning survey I had a wonderful sight of an adult female mash harrier we have reports most years of an odd bird passing through and this year I was in the right place at the right time. While I was doing a passerine survey along the edge of the reserve the lapwing started alarm calling a mobbing a large raptor usually a buzzard but this time it was not flying in buzzard fashion more harrier style. On closer inspection with the binoculars yes an harrier but not a hen but a marsh it disappeared behind the trees so carried on with my survey.

Later doing a look over the lagoons for young lapwings the commotion started again and mallard were involved as well soon found her again hunting ducking’s in the rushes. So manages to get some video off which I have managed to get this still.

As an aside referring to my previous blog to day 12 black tailed godwits on the same area unfortunately no colour rings.