Today Alexa and I have spent a very wet and windy day at the Wigtown Agricultural Show,

Love Nature is our motto and we got close to raw nature today

We were in two minds about doing the show considering the very poor forecast for the Tuesday night and Wednesday. Having looked at our site with the Trade Steward on Tuesday night  and the Organisers allowing us to move to a cancellation site in a more sheltered position, we turned up this morning to a sea of mud and vehicles being towed in left, right and centre. After what seemed a long wait we were allowed to get to our site and set up. Setting up went well and we opened on time and were surprised by the number of visitors that had managed to attend, Both Alexa and I had plenty of people to talk to with only a few quiet moments. Lots of the Society's Members popped in for a chat and we did well with the Raffle we are running at the moment for funds at the Crook.

My main reason for writing this Post is to thank the Agricultural Society Show organisers for their help in making it possible to attend the show which with our original site would not have been possible due to the exposed position and weather conditions and to thank the great British public who show true grit in attending and enjoying events in this wash out summer. 

It may be of interest to note the area had 19mm of rain between 4pm Tuesday and 4.30pm Wednesday.