Winter is coming the first 17 Pale Bellied Brents seen today on the southern half of the Crook and around 400 golden plover and tonight two sceens of geese went south east very high, suprisingly we still have swallows feeding as well.

this has been a very strange year.

  • Autumn is certainly here.  The rowans and brambles are laden with fruit and there's a nip in the air.  Great to hear the geese are back. I'm just amazed some of the summer visitors are still hanging around in this chilly wind, even saw a wheatear at the Crook on Tuesday.  It must have had it's thermals on!

  • Autumn is certainly here.  The rowans and brambles are laden with fruit and there's a nip in the air.  Great to hear the geese are back. I'm just amazed some of the summer visitors are still hanging around in this chilly wind, even saw a wheatear at the Crook on Tuesday.  It must have had it's thermals on!

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