Great news everyone!  Our osprey camera is back working again - so we now have a love picture back in the Visitor Centre, Wigtown County Buildings.  Our male, EP was seen yesterday in the vicinity of the nest, sitting on a fence post.  Looks like he's still on his own at the nest, although there could be 2 males in the area.

2nd June sees the start of World Oceans Week, highlighting the plight of our maine animals and the state of our seas.  Events will be held at Rockcliffe (2nd June) and at Port William (9th June).  The RSPB will be attending both events, drop in for family fun and information about the work of the RSPB in safeguarding our seas.

Litter is a growing problem in the marine environment.  The amount of rubbish has increased 10% in the last 20 years.  Most of it plastic (between 60 and 90%) which persists for between 100 & 1000 years before breaking down to oil-based chemicals further polluting the seas.  The really scary thing is that 64% of the rubbish comes from public land-based activities e.g. beach picnics, bbq's, recreational fishing and rubbish blown into rivers and sewers.  25% of all the rubbish comes from smoking e.g. discarded cigerette ends and lighters.  All that means WE are to blame and changing our behaviour will have a HUGE impact on the quantity of rubbish in our seas.  But don't be disheartened - YOU CAN HELP.  Think about waht happens to your rubbish and reduce, reuse and recycle all that you can.  Challenge those who drop litter - peer pressure is the best way to change behaviour.  And TAKE PART in any local clear-up operations.  Our next big clear-up at the Crook of Baldoon will be held on Saturday 8th June, from 2-4pm.  Litter pickers, bags and gloves provided but bring warm, waterfproof clothing, wellies and sun-screen (if we're lucky!)

You could set-up your own beach-clean too; contact Nic Coombey, Coastal Ranger;, 01387 251991.  Pick up the latest copy of Tidelines for further details.