The 12th of the 12th 2012 was an auspicious day not only for the couples getting married at the other end of the county at Gretna Green. We at Wigtown had our Volunteer Christmas party for the Crook of Baldoon reserve, Wigtown Bay Visitor Centre and the other Galloway Reserves.

We had a great spread of food and tea and coffee up in the Visitor Centre, and all in all a great afternoon was had by all.

The afternoon was rounded off by a presentation by Brian Nolan from the RSPB Local Group (Castle Douglas) to the Crook of Baldoon and Wigtown Bay Visitor Centre of a 20inch lawn mower and a 46cc petrol strimmer for the Crook and 3 Folding tables for the Visitor Centre. The monies for these much needed bits of kit have been raise by a raffle that has been run since the 15th of April and culminated with the Wigtown Book Festival on the 7th October.

Many thanks to Brian for all his effort in putting the raffle together and all his effort in selling tickets to achieve enough monies to buy the mower and strimmer and tables.  

Brian spent several days dressed as a Blue Tit at the Wigtown Book Festival selling tickets.

First Prize went to Mrs B. Wilson from Newton Stewart.