Coquet Island webcams now online!

RSPB Coquet Island live webcams of the coast of Northumberland at the harbour of the coast at the small town of Amble!
Webcam 1; Terrace!

Webcam 3; Top of the hide!
Webcam 2 is not available right now. Which is in one of the boxes where one of the pair of Roseate Terns are broadcast live on Webcam 2. Hope that will be soon!

Not all the seabirds have arrived as of yet!




    These are Roseate Terns on Coquet Island as broadcast live on one of the live webcams in 2016 and the Roseate Tern is the UK’s rarest seabird and this a short excerpt from the 2016 live webcams. And the Coquet Island, Roseate Tern colony is the only one of any significance in 2016 in the UK and also was the same in 2021 in the UK at the present time. There are two big Roseate Tern Colonies iIn the Republic of Ireland.

