It was a cold, crisp and frosty morning that I decided to venture out into the magical woodland. With a slight crunching underfoot, it’s amazing to think how the reserve changes. All around you can see that the leaves have just a little bit of added sparkle. The sun glistened through the trees and you could hear the frost melting (perfect!) So off I went on my mini adventure, have a look to see what I discovered...

Dipper - Strolling down to the bridge I took a minute to admire the sights and sounds. But after stopping for what only seemed like a few minutes, something caught my eye. Just in the distance I could see a bird bobbing up and down on a rock. Could it be the allusive dipper? It was! I tried to sneak to get a closer glimpse, but unfortunately it flew away. Since I started at Coombes, this has been the first time I have seen one here. These birds will be feeding on the vast array of insect larvae found in the Brook. Did you know they can spend up-to 30 seconds underwater? So keep your eyes peeled...

Dipper by Tom Marshall (RSPB Images)

Fox Footprints – What does the fox say? Well as it turns out not a lot, but wherever you walk their are signs to be discovered. Although I have seen foxes on the reserve – today was not the day. But simply looking for their tracks is exciting! Foxes do not keep to regular trails. A fox track is very dog-like, but far more compact. The print has four digits with the outer two curved towards the inner ones. There’s plenty of mud out there, so take a look – you don’t know what you will find.

Common Toad – Whilst walking along the Woodcock Trail, I had a warty encounter. Although not quite Mr. Toad of Toad Hall, it was enjoying the moist conditions along the brook. Probably taking up shelter in the log piles – a fantastic home for them. Giving nature a home is simple visit for more information. They secrete an irritant from their skin that prevents most predators from wanting to eat them. Isn’t nature clever? No wonder they can live for almost half a century.


Common Toad by Ben Hall (RSPB Images)

Goldcrests - After taking five minutes after the climb up Buzzard Bank, I heard a faint sound. It was the sound of a couple of goldcrests, picking off insects from the plants. They are the smallest songbird we have in the UK. Weighing in at between 5-6g, this is about the same as a 5 pence coin! Odd then that such a tiny bird chooses to build its nest at the top of some of the tallest trees. Look out for the striking crest colour - orange in males and yellow in females.

It’s amazing what you can find in a couple of hours. Plus you can still see our winter migrants: fieldfares and redwings going about their business. After your adventure take a well deserved break on the viewing platform. You’ll be treated to blue tits; long-tailed tits; nuthatches and if your really lucky a sparrowhawk! So with this weekend looking sunny – what’s stopping you coming on your own adventure..?


Cloughmeadow by Carl Capewell