Hello and surprise!
I’m Becky the latest addition to the team and I'm borrowing Carl's login to do a quick introduction. I am undertaking the warden internship with the RSPB and have spent the last seven months at the Blacktoft Sands reserve in East Yorkshire.

I loved my time there but it was a very different place amongst the reed and salt marsh.

I seem to have timed my arrival just as an epidemic is breaking out at Coombes… that’s right, everyone (including me) seems to be suffering with fungi fever and it’s easy to see why. It only takes a short walk along the reserve trails and you are surrounded by stink horns, turkey tails and puff balls amongst others. 

I am very excited to be at Coombes Valley. I have only been here two weeks and am already falling in love with the magical woodland that makes up a large part of the reserve. I feel very lucky to once again find myself living in such beautiful surroundings. How many people have a nature reserve as their back garden? I have already been out and about familiarising myself with the reserve, taking advantage of all it has to offer.

On one evening walk I had reached the top of one of the many hills at Coombes and looked out on a gorgeous scene as the mist spread through the trees and dusk descended. I’m not sure whether it was the wonderfully spooky scene which encouraged me to head back but as I turned to make my descent I came face to face with a buzzard! It seemed as shocked to see me, as I was it. It beat its wings frantically flashing its beautifully black bordered under wing in an attempt to avoid colliding with me. Luckily the buzzard succeeded in slowing and changing its course as I stood rooted to the spot trying to remove my jaw from the floor.

Unfortunately, I don’t get to spend all my time mooching round the reserve admiring the wildlife. This week Rachel, Carl, Steve and I have all been getting to grips with chainsaws on a week of intense training. Fingers crossed we all pass the assessment next week and we will soon be at work on the reserve opening up the canopy, removing some non-native species and generally improving the infrastructure of the woodland.

It is moments such as my buzzard encounter which inspired me to want to work for the RSPB and encouraged me to conserve this beautiful country and the species which reside here. There are so many wonderful things to be seen, heard and enjoyed through nature. Why not take some time this week, get outside and see what you can discover. Even better why not come and check out the magical woodland I’m discovering at Coombes and what better way to experience the magic than at our Spooktacular Halloween party on Thursday 31st October, booking is essential for more information visit the website http://www.rspb.org.uk/events/details.aspx?id=tcm:9-353680 or call us on 01538 384017.

Have Fun Exploring.