Hello everyone. Sorry for the silence over the Christmas and New Year period although I’m sure you’ve all been kept busy unwrapping presents, feasting and popping the corks on some bubbly.

It’s been lovely here at Coombes Valley discounting the weather of course which has been a bit wild for a couple of days. There’s been plenty of dry and bright spells however and the temperature's still barmy! Great news for the birds and small mammals who all seem to be finding plenty to eat. I am secretly hoping for at least a sprinkling of snow before I leave. Who wouldn’t when our already magical woodland can look like this...

Snowy Steps - Simon Gray

It really is like something straight out of the lion the witch and the wardrobe, Narnia here we come!

There’s been lots of birds to see on the reserve especially now the trees are bare. The great spotted woodpeckers have really started to show off now. The reserve is echoing with their drumming and call. I saw two yesterday from the hay meadow next to the education barn. They were fantastic to watch with their undulating flight and flashes of red showing up particularly well against the grey sky.

The tawny owls have quietened down now, having probably set up most of their territories its time for them to take a back seat. Stepping in to the limelight however we have the fabulous raven’s who have been very vocal shattering the idyllic silence with their very rude sounding burp like calls. They have also been showing off tumbling from the air, a sign there breeding season is underway.

Raven - RSPB Images

Mammals are still active through out the reserve. One reason to be thankful for the muddy tracks is the ample footprints you can see with fox, deer and rabbit prints all over the reserve as well as some other mammals. Why not come and check them out, you might even get a glimpse of one of these elusive mammals. One of our long term volunteers Aimee had one of these lucky encounters when she saw three roe deer.

Finally last but not least is this very lovely toad that I spotted when walking past the weevil field on the young woodland loop. It goes without saying I didn’t give him a kiss to see if my prince would appear, as I am not sure that applies to toads as well as frogs.

Prince Charming  - Becky Austin

The sunrise sand sunsets are still fantastic from the viewing platform and I’m sure you’ll agree that we are very lucky to get to start and end our day with sights like these. Why not spend a day exploring the reserve and start or end your day with a serene moment of tranquillity at sun up or sun down.

Sunrise by Becky Austin

Sunset by Becky Austin

A very happy new year to all our blog, facebook and twitter followers. Thank you for your support over the last year and we look forward to having you all back to visit the reserve in 2014.