
Well, the sun is finally setting on mine and Simon’s time at Coombes Valley, as the day is fast approaching when the RSPB’s residential interns swap reserves for our second six-month stint. So I would like to say a very warm welcome to Lauren, Rachel and Becky, who will be taking over from us at Coombes in a couple of days time.

It’s very difficult to sum up just how much I’ve learnt and experienced during my time here – there have been many highs and many lows, and I still don’t know what I want to do in the future, but I wouldn’t change it for anything.


View over Coombes Valley by Lizzie Ingram


Coombes really is special – and one of my new favourite places, so if you’ve never visited, then I really do recommend coming and spending at least a day here. Have a wander through the wood, enjoy the sights, smells and sounds, and remember that you’re in one of the best places to experience nature in the UK.  

I’ll be moving on to Fairburn Ings a little older and a little (I hope!) wiser, and with a real belief in what the RSPB is doing to save nature in this country – I’m glad I get to carry on being part of that for the next few months at least. So thanks for having us Jarrod – it’s been fantastic, and I can’t wait to see what you do with this beautiful place in the future.    


Sunset over Coombes car park by Lizzie Ingram



I’m going to sum up my time at Coombes with a few B’s - butterflies, bracken, brush-cutting, balsam, birds and by goodness a lot of moths!! During the past six months I’ve met some amazing people and had some incredible encounters with wildlife. Just yesterday I saw a southern hawker dragonfly snatch a cranefly right out of the air!


Small Copper by Simon Gray


I came here an empty vessel and I’ve still a long way to go before I’m full of knowledge, but the amount I’ve gathered since March is staggering. I’m heading to Old Moor in a few days to spend Autumn and Winter with huge flocks of golden plover and learn even more.

I just want to say thanks very much to the work party volunteers, the day volunteers and all the other team members for making this experience all that it has been. I also want to say thanks to Jarrod for giving me this opportunity - he's been a great teacher.