• Celebrating 25 years of RSPB Conwy - Conwy and me! (Audrey & William)

    On 14 April 1995, after years of initial development, RSPB Conwy nature reserve opened it's gates to the public. Throughout April, we want to commemorate this milestone, and celebrate our 25th anniversary with you! As part of this celebration, we will be sharing what RSPB Conwy means to the people at the heart of the reserve - our fantastic staff (both past and present), and our amazing volunteers. Each blog has been…

  • Celebrating 25 years of RSPB Conwy - Conwy and me! (Libet & Bill)

    On 14 April 1995, after years of initial development, RSPB Conwy nature reserve opened it's gates to the public. Throughout April, we want to commemorate this milestone, and celebrate our 25th anniversary with you! As part of this celebration, we will be sharing what RSPB Conwy means to the people at the heart of the reserve - our fantastic staff (both past and present), and our amazing volunteers. Each blog has been…

  • Celebrating 25 years of RSPB Conwy - Conwy and me! (Helen Jowett)

    On 14 April 1995, after years of initial development, RSPB Conwy nature reserve opened it's gates to the public. Throughout April, we want to commemorate this milestone, and celebrate our 25th anniversary with you! As part of this celebration, we will be sharing what RSPB Conwy means to the people at the heart of the reserve - our fantastic staff (both past and present), and our amazing volunteers. Each blog has been…

  • Spring is here!

    Along with the recent warmer weather, longer daylight hours and new leaves emerging on the trees, the sound of chiffchaffs singing around the reserve (photo by John Bridges, RSPB images) is a clear indication that spring has begun. These are one of our earliest migrants to arrive from Africa with the first one heard on 13/3. Another early arrival as usual has been sand martins with the first ones seen on 14/3. Reed Bunti…

  • Starlings and Storms!

    The last few weeks have seen several notable things happening on the reserve. Around the end of January and into early February we were enjoying spectacular aerial displays from up to 60,000 starlings as they came in to roost in the reedbeds in the evenings (photo by Jonni Price).

    The first week of February saw extensive habitat management work successfully completed with many large areas of mature bramble scrub removed…

  • Habitat Management increases Biodiversity

    Plans are underway for some large scale habitat management work on the reserve during the first week of February. This will see mature bramble scrub cleared from various areas in order to maintain a more diverse range of habitats as well as improving some of the views from the trails. 

    The areas opened up will help to create a patchwork of different habitat types and structures, with increased edge features. These chan…

  • Firecrests and christmas fun!

    Having arrived in mid-Novemeber, Firecrests have continued to be the star attraction on the reserve over the past month, with daily sightings of at least three birds putting on a good show for visitors who've travelled to see them. The birds have been frequenting various locations along the discovery trail, usually up as far as the Bridge pond and Tal y Fan hides, with occasional sightings close to the visitor centre…

  • Winter is here!

    With the summer migrants long gone and autumn migration drawing to an end, the variety of birdlife around the reserve is now typical of the winter season. One of the latest arrivals was the first firecrest of the winter reported near the Bridge Pond on 16/11, one of our most sought after birds on the reserve during this time of year (photo of a bird seen previously by Bob Garrett).

    Wildfowl species have been nicely building…

  • Winter arrivals continue to move in

    The arrival of birds for the winter season is now well under way, with further increases in wildfowl, winter waders and other species typical of this time of year. 

    Numbers of wigeon and teal (photo by Steve Knell, RSPB images) have steadily built up around the estuary and lagoons and these have been joined by other wintering wildfowl including a female pintail on 26/9 to 27/9, up to two pochard, five shoveler and several…

  • Wader passage continues and winter visitors arrive

    With autumn now only just around the corner, we have seen a further increase in the variety of wading birds passing through the reserve, along with the first arrivals of some of our winter species. 

    Wader highlights over the past month have included ruff on 20/8, spotted redshank on 24/8 and 14/9 (photo of a bird seen previously by Bob Garrett), and curlew sandpiper and little stint on 1/9. Small numbers of whimbrel continue…

  • Wader numbers increase as summer rolls on

    As we move further through the summer months towards autumn, numbers of wading birds around the lagoons and estuary continue to increase, with a greater variety of species present. Some of the highlights from the past month have included wood sandpiper (pictured) with sightings on 26/7 to 28/7 and again on 5/8, green sandpiper on 13/8, a summer plumaged knot present from 17/7 to 20/7, and a single turnstone (a scarce…

  • Waders Return

    It's barely mid July but the increasing presence of wading birds around the reserve over the past few weeks is a sign that autumn migration is already well underway.

    The first black-tailed godwits appeared particularly early with three on 11/6, most likely birds returning from Iceland which had failed to breed, then increasing numbers from the end of June with a peak so far of 21 on 9/7. Curlew and redshank numbers…

  • Spring migration peaks as the breeding season gets into full swing

    The star birds of this year's spring migration were undoubtedly two superb summer plumaged black terns which were present over the lagoons on 8/5 to 9/5 along with hundreds of hirundines when calm, damp and mild conditions were evidently favorable for masses of insects for them to feed on (photo of one of the birds by Marc Hughes). 

    Osprey sightings continued with reports of birds over the reserve on 9/5, 15/5 and 26…

  • Summer migrants continue to arrive

    There's never a dull moment at this time of year as each day brings new arrivals back to the reserve from their wintering grounds, or passage migrants stopping off to feed or roost before continuing their journey north. This constant arrival and passage of migratory birds has produced numerous highlights over the past few weeks, with the most sought-after bird being a wood sandpiper which was present on the lagoons from…

  • From tropical oceans to the arctic tundra, via Conwy.....

    With numerous birds coming and going as we head further into the spring, the arrival of a grey phalarope on 14/3 was undoubtedly the biggest surprise of the past month, and of the year so far (photo of a bird seen previously by Marc Hughes). Most UK sightings of these small wading birds occur in autumn, with only three previous records on the reserve. This bird will most likely have spent the winter in tropical waters off west…

  • Unseasonal weather sees the early return of summer migrants

    A week of warm southerly winds at the end of February saw the earliest recorded arrival dates of some of our summer migrants.

    A whimbrel was seen on 26/2 and three sand martin were over the lagoons on 28/2, having both arrived from their wintering grounds in Africa. Two singing chiffchaff seen on 27/2 were also thought to be new arrivals from Africa, although we do have small numbers over-wintering locally, with regular sightings…

  • Starling numbers approach fifty thousand

    January saw the starling murmurations build up as we'd hoped, with small numbers at the start of the new year increasing towards 50 thousand birds later in the month and producing some spectacular aerial displays as they arrived to roost in the reedbeds. At the time of writing it seems that numbers may possibly have already peaked, although considerable sized flocks have still been coming in at dusk on recent evenings…

  • New Year begins with some early signs of starling activity

    After much anticipation it seems that starling numbers have begun to show some signs of increasing, with some impressive murmurations already seen over the past few of days, perhaps numbering around 5000 - 10,000 birds. Hopefully this will continue to build up to produce the spectacular displays we've had in previous winters (photo by David Kjaer, RSPB Images), though as is the case with all wildlife we can never predict…

  • Visitors arrive from the north!

    One of the highlights for November was a female long-tailed duck which was present on the shallow lagoon over six days from 23/11 to 28/11 (photo by Jonni Price). This is the first recorded sighting of the species on the reserve, though it is understood that there was a reliable previous sighting a number of years ago which was not recorded. Long-tailed ducks can be seen around the UK coast in winter, most commonly in northern…

  • Winter on the way

    Highlights over the past month have included several jack snipe (photo by Marc Hughes) with individuals present on 8/10 and 11/10, and two on 20/10 seen on the shallow lagoon from the Tal y Fan hide and coffee shop. A great white egret flew over on 13/10, a female type marsh harrier was present on 13/10, and a juvenile goshawk was seen flying over the estuary on 20/10, another scarce bird for the reserve with only 14…

  • Autumn brings a few surprises

    A strong contender for ‘bird of the month’ for September was the spotted crake present on 22/9, which put in regular appearances in front of the coffee shop throughout the afternoon (photo shows a bird seen previously). This was the fifth record for the reserve, the last being in August 2009. A short-eared owl seen earlier on the same day was another good bird for the reserve, while autumn wader passage…

  • Waders keep moving as summer draws to an end

    Wood Sandpiper

    The most sought after bird over the past month was undoubtedly the wood sandpiper which stayed with us for 15 days from 8/8 to 23/8 and generally showed very well for visitors. Other main highlights were further visits from a great white egret on 14/8 and 16/8, and a female marsh harrier which was seen briefly over the reserve on 6/8 and 7/8. 

    Other wader highlights have included green sandpipers on…

  • Autumn wader passage gets under way

    As we move further towards autumn, the presence of wading birds on the lagoons and estuary is becoming ever more noticeable with both greater variety and numbers.

    Green sandpipers are currently proving to be a highlight with up to four present since 27/7 and showing particularly well in front of the Benarth hide. Other notable waders have included a juvenile little ringed plover on 27/7, greenshank on 22/7 and 29/7…

  • Channelling the spirit of '76.

    The grass is brown and desiccated, the leaves on some of the trees curl and fall to the floor, and the media is drawing parallels with the summer of 1976.  This is the heatwave of 2018. My memory of 1976 (I was five years old) was the huge number of ladybirds* - I remember having to pick my way carefully along the path to the school gate to avoid treading on them - but I'm not sure a generation younger than me would…

  • Why we continue to be wild about nature

    Over the last couple of years, an exciting project called 'Wild About Nature' has been underway at Conwy nature reserve. Our volunteers have been finding new ways to engage with visitors and we have produced new materials that you can see around the nature reserve. It's all focused on enabling more of our visitors to connect with nature, and we are really grateful to Heritage Lottery Fund Wales for their help…