I'm Rhianna Braden, I'm 14 years old and I am currently volunteering at RSPB Conwy as part of my Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award.  I will be blogging about some of the reserve's events, such as the Wildlife Explorers Group that meets monthly at the reserve.  Wildlife Explorers is the junior membership of the RSPB, and the events at Conwy are for members aged eight and upwards.  I joined them for their meeting last Saturday afternoon.

Despite the poor weather conditions, the Wildlife Explorers were as bright as usual and ready for another adventure. This time we had a walk around the reserve to show the new explorers around and to find as many birds as possible. The best part was that at the end, a large picnic awaited back in the Visitor Centre to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the RSPB! After introducing everyone and going over the WEX club rules, we set off.

The wonderful “Peg Game” was introduced to all the explorers, it made our walk around the reserve even more fun with all the children either pegging other people or trying to avoid being pegged. No one let the miserable weather get them down (even if it did start raining!)

We decided to stop off at a few hides on the way to let the explorers use their binoculars to try and find some birds. Some of the kids were very good at it and spotted lots of them! We didn't beat the number we were aiming for but all together still managed to find 11 different types of birds

The two hours went by so quickly that we barely had enough time to get back and eat! The table was filled with all sorts of tasty treats such as sausage rolls, strawberries and juice. But the best bit was the big chocolate cake which all the Wildlife Explorers loved! Even the volunteers got a piece. At the end of the day, everyone got to choose their own lovely decorated biscuits to take home which was a nice little surprise. We are all looking forward to the next WEX club meeting and getting to know the new members a lot better.

The Wildlife Explorers group meets at Conwy on the first Saturday of each month.  Click here for details.

Julian Hughes
Site Manager, Conwy