OK, so perhaps an exaggeration, but in a week that several places in North Wales had multiple firecrests, the reserve took its share with at least five at one time (on Saturday 31st). There were still two this morning (Friday 6th), so who knows how many have passed through? Some may stay for the winter, as RSPB Conwy is a regular wintering site for these tiny birds that weigh just 6 grammes (one one-fifth of an ounce!). Thanks to Henry Cook for the photo (via Twitter) of one he found near Carneddau Hide.

Also here for the winter are good numbers of siskins, flocks of up to 20, plus a few coal tits, while several chiffchaffs have been singing and a couple of blackcaps are feeding in the bushes. The paths between the Visitor Centre and the Carneddau Hide are the best place to look for any of these birds. A brambling was seen here on Sunday (1st) and a lesser redpoll was seen the previous day. Small numbers of starlings (up to 1000) have been throwing shapes over the reserve on calm evenings

The water levels remain low; although we've had a little rain this week, we've had far less since the start of September than we usually expect. That does leave the lagoon in front of the Coffee Shop looking bare, but on the plus side, a walk to the Deep Lagoon brings you views of hundreds of birds, with flocks of lapwings, redshanks and teal, with small numbers of shovelers, gadwall and up to four pintails among them in recent weeks. Two golden plovers were among the lapwings on Friday (30th) and a yellow-legged gull was seen from Benarth Hide on Sunday (1st); the roost at high tide might pull in other scarce gulls as we move further into the winter.

Water rails are a sought-after bird at this time of year, and it seems that some of our wintering birds have been arriving back on the lagoon edges. The LookOut and the Coffee Shop have been the best places to look, with one or two (including a pair scrapping!) seen regularly. We have cut back the reeds in front of the Coffee Shop to improve the views. We have also cut some semi-circular 'bays' along the footpath near the Bridge Pond; these are designed to open up the habitat for bumblebees, which will have a mix of sun and shade as the sun moves east to west during the day, and a variety of vegetation in which to nest and feed.

Nuthatch and treecreeper were seen on Monday (2nd), both scarce species here, but with sightings of great spotted woodpecker now regular, the trees planted here 20 years ago are obviously just maturing nicely, adding to the diversity of birds here. A knot and up to nine dunlins were seen from the Vardre Viewpoint last Friday (30th), and a guillemot was seen going with the fast-flowing tide on the estuary. A few pochards and goldeneyes have been on the Deep Lagoon, and a female goosander was there on Thursday (29th), unusual away from the estuary.

The mild conditions resulted in a November record of common darter dragonfly, and we've noticed common centaury and yellow-wort in flower, species we think of as midsummer species!

Julian Hughes
Site Manager, Conwy