Boy at firepit (Rhianna Braden)

Despite the horrendous weather conditions, the Wildlife Explorers club were still determined to carry out their Marshmalloween! To start off, the group learned about fire safety and how to light a fire without causing a kafuffle. Once prepped, the large group faced the wind and rain to get to their fire lighting stations armed with hay, cotton wool and kindling, as well as a flint and steel.

Boys at campfire (Rhianna Braden)

With the club split into 3 groups, the fire lighting could begin. It started off slowly of course, with the kids becoming more and more familiar with the flint and steel tools, but once they got the hang of it there were sparks flying everywhere!   Once their fire was lit, the group were then rewarded with a couple of marshmallows each to roast. Of course a few cheeky kids had a few more than we were expecting. With the marshmallows melted, the club eagerly awaited for the arrival of the chocolate biscuits in order to create the infamous s’mores - a messy concoction of toasted marshmallow squashed between two chocolate digestives!

Making dampers (Rhianna Braden)

Boys making dampers (Rhianna Braden)

As the afternoon drew to a close, the team created one last food item to roast over the fire. Dampers. Using a three-ingredient recipe: flour, milk and water, the three separate teams got together to create little damper dough sausages, ready to twirl around sticks. Let’s just say it wasn’t such an easy task.

All in all, it turned out to be a very successful marshmalloween!

Julian Hughes
Site Manager, Conwy