Our neighbours at Buckland Lake Reserve have worked hard to restore the old chalk quarry for public use.

The lakes have been a venue for fishing for some years now - including access for the disabled.

Tamsin, Gina and Doug have now realised the next step in their vision for the site, opening the Cliffe Cafe. Located on the main road to RSPB Cliffe Pools it is perfectly located for visitors to our nature reserve to swing by for a drink and some food while enjoying the view across the fishing lake, home to great-crested grebes. The cafe displays local artwork of a wildlife theme and enjoys the afternoon sun, but I think it will come into its own this autumn and winter; after a few hours watching the waders out on Cliffe Pools the promise of hot cuppa will keep you going.

The cafe is open every day from 10am to 4pm and offers the nearest conveniences to RSPB Cliffe Pools also.

So, stop by and support our local community while enjoying the rich wealth of wildlife and landscape at Cliffe Pools.