We've had some special help from Cora and her mum this week who offered to volunteer on the reserve for a couple of days! Cora wrote this blog to tell everyone about her time here."

"I was really excited when my mummy told me that I was going to be a volunteer at Camfield Marsh. When I arrived, I went to find the Warden/Aunty Mhairi was working in her tractor on the massive field cutting the grass because it was at least a meter tall so was due some cutting. It was rainy, but it meant I got to wear my wellies and jump in puddles.

That afternoon we got a list of jobs to do.

  1. Collect donations.
  2. Organise the bookshelf and treasure trove.
  3. Fill up the bird feeders.
  4. Paint bird signs
  5. Re stock the biscuits
  6. Take photos of nature for the screen

And then we had chocolate cake that we made for the team.


My favourite job was when we collected the money because I got to open the boxes with special keys. My least favourite was taking the photographs because the butterflies kept flying away before I got to take a picture of it .


I am really looking forward to my next holiday at Bowness on Solway so I can volunteer again.


If you live here near Campfield marsh and you have spare time  I would highly recommend you to come and volunteer here at this wonderful nature reserve."

  • Cora, I bet they can't wait for you to come back again!  I hope you found time to jump in lots of puddles.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Cora, I bet they can't wait for you to come back again!  I hope you found time to jump in lots of puddles.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

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