A honey buzzard was reported by a member of the public Alex Reiss, he saw the bird fly off from the track on the way to the heathland viewpoint. He and his dad George managed to get some record shots which show the distinctive tail pattern of the honey buzzard. This brings us up to 94 species of birds at Broadwater Warren since we acquired the site in 2007.

Note the small head and black "ring" like markings on the tail. For help with identification check out this website https://www.bto.org/about-birds/bird-id/bto-bird-id-summer-buzzards-common-buzzard-and-honey-buzzard

Other birds seen in the last few weeks include the first spotted flycatcher near the veteran oak and nightjars have been heard churring on the heath in the evening. 

Other wildlife seen in the last week include downy emerald and broad bodied chaser dragonflies, green hairstreak, painted lady, common blue and small copper butterflies. 

We have a mini bioblitz on the 10th of June, so if you are interested in trying to identify whats on the reserve come along. See our events page for more information. 
