I know what you are thinking.

You must be wondering why we have been chopping down trees.

The big answer? 

Heathland. Did you know that in the last 150 years the UK has lost 85% of its heathlands? 

At Broadwater Warren we are restoring the heathland to its original beauty, and with careful land management, we can restore the heather and encourage back the ground-nesting birds that so desperately need it.  

Our ponies and goats do a great job in helping us manage the new shoots and unwanted saplings, but we need to clear areas for the heathers to revive.  

Who benefits?

Not only the birds such as Woodlark, Nightjar, and Tree Pipit have returned to our heathlands at Broadwater. A whole host of creatures rely on us to restore their natural habitats. Butterflies, reptiles and dragonflies thrive in these environments. Please tell us what you spot on your walks! We will be updating you on our nature surveys soon.

Adders at risk.

We are prioritising our reptile surveys this spring and looking at how we can support our Adders. Did you know Adders are a protected species and are now a Priority Species under the UK Post-2010 Biodiversity Framework? Please help us to report any sightings. These beautiful creatures mustn't be disturbed as they bask in the spring and summer sun. It takes a whole two months for the males to warm themselves before mating. 

Now, this is important.

We love dogs at the RSPB. We wardens often walk them around Broadwater. But here's the bottom line, if we don't keep our dogs on leads, we put nature under stress. 

It only takes one little sniff from a dog for a mother to abandon her nest. Please help us to keep the diverse wildlife we enjoy on our dog walks safe and thriving by keeping your furry friend on a short lead. We will give you a thumbs-up when we pass by!

Your RSPB Needs you

We are looking for new volunteer wardens to join our friendly team. If you regularly walk around Broadwater, why not do this for a good cause?


Please email helen.mcardle@rspb.org.uk if you would like to learn more.  

What's coming up?

Dawn Chorus Walk

Get up very early and be rewarded by the wonders of the dawn chorus. Learn to identify the different melodies and calls of birds as they warm up their vocal chords. Our experts will help you distinguish between a melodious blackbird, a rather intense wren, a newly-arrived warbler and perhaps the beautiful song of the woodlark. 

Book now: https://events.rspb.org.uk/broadwaterwarren