A Dawn Chorus event was held at Broadwater Warren on the Sunday. We heard a lot of different species throughout the site from wrens to blue tits as well as some lesser heard species including Tawny Owl and Lesser spotted woodpecker, which were heard not far from the decoy pond. Several song thrushes were heard across the site as well as Blackcaps in the car park. Tree pipits seem to be abundant across the site, the best place to see them and Woodlark is near the crossroads and eastern track.

Several Yellowhammers with their 'a-little-bit-of-bread-with-no-cheeeeeese' were heard across the main heath.

A guided walk with members of Sussex Ornithological Society was well attended on Tuesday with about 20 people turning up. Although the woods were relatively quite we had good views of Tree pipit carrying out its parachuting display as well as good views of a Woodlark feeding off the track between the crossroads and decoy pond. Several Willow warblers and chiffchaffs were heard across the site as well as Blackcaps in the scrubby margins on the heath. A good spot by one of the members was of a Red kite flying high over the reserve. Other birds of prey include 4 Buzzards and 3 Kestrels above the reserve.

Both pairs of Stonechats were seen near the shooting butts as well as good views of the male Grey wagtail on decoy pond.

Other species seen this week include treecreepers and nuthatches near the veteran oak and Green woodpeckers on the western heath.

The first speckled wood butterflies have been seen within the woodland as well as green veined white and orange tip.


More guided walks and events will be held at our reserves over the year, please check the events page if you are interested in coming along.

Please let us know of any sightings you may have on the reserve.