A few years ago a visitor asked me if the rumour was true that the RSPB was running out of money for its work at Broadwater and intended to sell off parts of the reserve for house-building. I assured him it wasn't true and the amount of work done since that time in restoring the heathland habitat and managing the reserve shows that, thanks to the generosity of funders, members, supporters and volunteers, there is a real determination to make Broadwater a wonderful place for wildlife. Perhaps if someone only reads the title of this blog the rumour will do the rounds again. But it's true that our Saturday work party team of Alison, Jane, Fiona, Emma, Anita, Rich, James, Ben and me spent a bitterly cold day building brash and log piles where birds, reptiles and insects can find refuge, perhaps build a nest and find a sunny point to bask in the sun when the temperatures finally get warmer. We built some neat ones and some more freestyle ones and we'l monitor them to see which the wildlife like best.   


Thanks to the team for their hard work and special thanks to Emma for the delicious Easter cakes.  

Wealden Reserves Office Manager