There has been lots of positive work taking place on the reserve this week.
The entrance gate opposite Fairview Lane had been removed and closed to visitors to allow contractors lorries in and out. The gate is now being reinstated and reopened, in time for Spring. The work was carried out by our contractor, Rob.
At the Decoy Pond students from BTCV (the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers) have been helping to clear the brash from the south-facing banks.
Meanwhile, in the woodlands our coppice worker, Matthew Stuart, has been coppicing birch. The cut timber will be taken in the summer for firewood. The woodland flowers should respond well to the increased light and produce a flush of growth. The regrowing coppice stools will create a dense shrubby area, ideal for dormice.
And finally, at the end of the day, the entrance gate opposite Fairview Lane is restored and ready to be used by our visitors.