Boyton Marshes are truly stunning at this time of year, the sun is out and the birds are singing. I was on the reserve yesterday and was fortunate to get very close to a purring turtle dove, he was very on the edge of the visitor car park and was singing to attract a mate. Sadly purring turtle doves have become increasingly rare following substantial population declines which has placed them on the Red List.

The marshes are looking wet even after a prolonged spell of warm dry weather, this is due to the springs that run in to the reserve maintaining the ideal conditions for our lapwing and redshank. Early indications suggest we are going to at least match last year’s figure of 18 pairs and I am very hopeful we can beat this.

Boyton has produced some great counts of wagtails of late with the up to 30 yellow and 5 white being recorded. The fresh water scrape has also been a valuable stop off point for many migrants with whimbrels, green sandpipers and greenshank being seen feeding in and around the water.

Why not take a visit the Boyton, it’s a very secluded and idyllic spot with fantastic views over the wetland and rivers.

Aaron, Site Manager